Building Understanding of Natural Disasters from Abstract to Tangible


Immersive Experience | Tangible Interaction | Behavioural Design | Social Innovation

Building Understanding
Mending Damage

From Abstract to Tangible
for Behavioural Change

Royal College of Art / Imperial College London 2021


Group Project
Rui Huang, Biying Lou, Debra Tolu Babalola, Himari Tamamura

My Role
Concept Generation, Experimental Development, Design Fabrication, Spatial Experience Design




An Immersive Pop-up Black Box Experience to build the understanding of natural disasters and motivate people to donate through introducing “tangibility” to minimise the abstractness

Introducing Three-stage Journey to deepen participants’ understanding and to create “Hope” to motivate for actions.


Creative Process


Participant Feedback


“The smell, smoke, heat and sound, that’s intense. If it is the real scene of a fire, that would be really horrible and scary. That's why I feel related to the victims and want to support them.”

- Xinhao Zhuang, Ningbo, China

“Realized how watching the news was making what I know numb and this brought my sense back.”

-Yuta Sugii, Tokyo, Japan

“ When we were having the fire-scape training at school, that was really funny and joyful

Unlike what I have experienced here, which is really immersive and scary. I felt a bit panicking during the experiment. 

It definitely make me understand the fire from a whole new perspective, not just few numbers and knowledge on book.” 

- Chengpu Liao, Beijing, China

Seeing my donation reaching the victims made me feel like I was actually helping. I could visualise the output of the donation which helped me to relate to the project and made me willing to give more.”

- Bosede Babalola, London, U.K.


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Critical & Historical Studies: Human's Second Nature - Technology


Commercialised Innovation