Tickle ;D
Rekindle Tangible Sensation of Human Contact

Rekindle Human Contact through Tangible Interaction

Imperial College London
Royal College of Art



Design Technology | Affective Haptics
Tangible Human-machine Interaction
HCI | Physical Computing
Design Engineering


Solo Projects


Special thanks to the teaching team of the Gizmo Module of the MSc/MA Innovation Design Engineering program from Imperial College London and Royal College of Art

Tangible Sensation of Human Contact

Human contact is an essential medium in social interaction that influences well-being. However, distanced communication and virtual interaction neglects sensory contact.

In response to the challenge, Tickle ;D is an experiment in replicating physical human contact through tangible interaction on a device. It recreates haptic experience of blowing a little puff of air in the ear. It is a breeze for your ear and for you, and imparts a sense of wonder to yourself and your beloved ones, to provide a bit of solace from our hectic, everyday lives.

Theme 4.jpg

Envision the Future of Digital Communication

Introducing “Tangibility“ into Digital Communication

Next Project


Affective Haptics for Digital Communication


Cross-Species CoCreation: Bio-interfaces to Bridge Human & Nature